Global Access and Scope
Linksbridge creates public goods that are free forever to trusted global health and international development actors. Our access targets:
- Vetted global health and international development organizations receive full access to our data and information
- Industry can access—through partner programs—the information it needs to plan and service global health demand
- Members of the public can access information and summary data of general interest
We provide global health markets data:
- Across vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, and devices
- On country status, public markets, supply, private and other markets, and Covid-19
- As far back as the year 2000 (historical) and through the year 2040 (forecasted)
Access Levels
Linksbridge offers different levels of access to our platform based on your professional affiliation. Counterparts from vetted global health and international development organizations are eligible for full access.
Please note: As of August 1, 2022 (in agreement with our funders) we no longer provide access to commercial consulting firms to our data. Global health and international development organizations may not use their logins to provide data access to commercial consulting firms.
Derivative Work
We ask all users to diligently separate their derivative work and results from data we provide. For example, if Linksbridge has offered you global vaccine demand 2020-2030, you should make clear that an extrapolation you have made through 2035 is solely your work and neither provided nor endorsed by Linksbridge. You may not present, for example, a PowerPoint slide that contains Linksbridge data and your own derivative analysis with a footnote reading, Source: Linksbridge. You must instead clearly indicate the difference between different sources, e.g., Base analysis through 2030 provided by Linksbridge, [date],; 2031-2035 projection made by [your entity].
Underlying License
When we share data and information, we do so based on a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Users are free to:
- ”Share—copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
- “Adapt—remix, transform, and build upon the material
- Linksbridge “cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms”
Under the following terms:
- “Attribution—You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use
- “NonCommercial—You may not use the material for commercial purposes
- “ShareAlike—If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original
- “No additional restrictions—You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits”
- “You do not have to comply with the license for elements of the material in the public domain or where your use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation
- “No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the material”
Full Policies
Linksbridge’s current privacy policy is available at Privacy Policy
Linksbridge’s current cookie policy is available at Cookie Policy
Linksbridge’s current terms and conditions are available at Terms and Conditions
Acceptance and Copyright
You accept our underlying license, acceptable usage policy, and terms and conditions by using our platform.
All content, information and data on and any subdomains is © copyright Linksbridge SPC.
Acceptable Usage
The below table details how you can use Linksbridge data and information and how our platform uses data gathered about you.This acceptable usage policy supersedes the Creative Commons license in the event of a conflict, i.e. the Creative Commons license provides a foundation for data sharing that our specific terms and conditions modify.
How You Can Use Our Data

Research project needs

Download information, data or visualizations to include in your own work

Carry out derivative analysis of information or data

Distribute work based on our information or data with required attribution

Download information, data or visualizations to include in your own work

You may not share your login credentials with other users

You may not bulk download information or data

You may not direct a screen scraping utility at our information

You may not share information or data with a third party at a lower access level without prior consent

You may not re-sell or otherwise use information or data for commercial gain

You may not add country flags or map pull-out images to PowerPoint slides to "add value" if simply repackaging Linksbridge's and others' data

You may not copyright or otherwise claim information or data
How We Use Your Data

We collect your first name, last name and work email so we can address you in a friendly way and log you in

We track: user logins, site activity, including pathways through content and searches; messages to us

We monitor: user satisfaction, organizational usage

We respond to individual messages and support requests

We do not use your data for direct marketing of other products or services

We do not sell or pass data on individuals to a third party
Required attribution is:“Based on information and data provided by Linksbridge, [date],”